“In our business, being organised is central to everything we do. Streamline helps all of us keep organised, stay focused and get the job done.”

The task as communication broker

Streamline seamlessly integrates with email, fax, SMS and web-site based solutions allowing users to communicate ‘outside’ your company, or for external parties to communicate ‘into’ your business.

External communications entering your business via email, fax, sms and web are imported into Streamline and tasks are automatically created, with the relevant documents attached.  With Streamline you are also able to mass communicate by simply selecting a target audience, supply a template, and sms, fax or email them!

Another huge benefit of integrating communication into Streamline is that you constantly have an automated and centralised record of any communiqués that happen in your business.

With Streamline, you overcome the problem of paperwork being lost or ending up with the wrong person - and the balls which get dropped as a result.

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